Monday, January 23, 2012

Passion for "Fancy" Cake Plates

While I continue to enjoy baking wonderful cakes and love to decorate them, I also have an appreciation for "fancy" cake plates.  I probably have more than any one person should but do believe that we all have hobbies that we're more than willing to spend a little too much on.  Thankfully, my husband does not read my blog so he probably won't realize just how many plates I own. 

Mostly, my plates sit behind glass where I can look at them.  Sometimes, for a very special occasion, I'll get one out and actually use it.  I wanted to share some of my favorites.

This is a "Glitterville" plate.  I was lucky enough to have Steven Brown actually sign it. 

This is one of my absolute favorites!  This is also a "Glitterville" plate.  It's so much fun for Halloween with its different colored socks.  I've taken this to parties much to the dismay of friends.  They're always afraid that someone will break it.  But, as I tell them, why have it if you never use it!

It's no secret that I LOVE Christmas.  This is a "Krinkles" plate and cover.  I just love the red shoes and the big red bow. 

Another "Krinkles" Halloween favorite!  I certainly have a thing for the "shoe" theme!  This is extra cute with Halloween themed cupcakes on it.

Nothing like 3 French Hens!  Another "Krinkles" Christmas plate. 

I have many more and love them all.  As you're making your cakes, just remember.... Presentation is Everything!

Keep baking!  Enjoy yourself.... with whatever and whoever you love!

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